Monday, April 4, 2011

Movie Review - The Kings Speech

The Kings Speech

I've been wanting to watch this movie since it came out, and this weekend I finally had my chance.

So we all know that the movie is about King George VI who became King after his Father King George V passed and his brother King Edward VIII abdicates. But there is a problem, he can't speak in public because he has an awful stammer. His wife, Queen Elizabeth, goes out and finds Lionel Logue who is able to help the King overcome some of this problem, so much so that he is able to give an amazing speech to the people of his countries when England are submerged in war.

Colin Firths performance just amazed me. He proofs that he is one of the great British actors of the time. While watching the movie you would think he really does stammer. Every sound, every move he made is that of a person struggling to speak, a person who is so nervous that they cannot continue. He really brought tears to my eyes sometimes because I felt so sorry for him.

Geoffrey Rush, wow, that's all I can say. He brought some humour into the movie and his performance is outstanding. He plays the part so well! The way he moves, speaks, its all just wonderful to watch.

Then another outstanding performance is by Helena Bonham Carter. I really think she was great in this movie. Not only did she bring some compassion to the film, but as we all know she has a quirky side and she lends that to this legendary character that she was playing. Through the movie I laughed so much at her and Geoffrey.

I laughed, I cried, I felt sorry for the King and I wanted to punch him sometimes. Some may think that parts of the movie were very boring but if your a History buff like I sometimes find myself to be then you will really love the movie.


Karen and Gerard said...

My husband is looking forward to reading this book. I think I'd be bored with this movie.

Niecole said...

I must say that I really did enjoy the movie because I love everything royal and historical :)